Archive for April, 2014

Critical Acclaim for Sea Knight e.p.

Friday, April 18th, 2014

The jury is in on Sea Knight’s ep “Where Are You?” and it’s a unanimous grand slam. With critic after critic singing its praise and loving their vivacious live shows.   I couldn’t be more proud of this San Francisco band.  Look for them on Pandora in the next month.


Check them out at and read the full reviews at the links below.

Aquarius Records – “A stunner, dreamy, and strummy, and psychedelic, moody and melancholic with powerful vocals…slow building to something much more epic. It’s definitely indie pop, but with a lush sonic palette, and a propensity for epicry that definitely makes sea knight something special..
Full review: full reivew:

-_ I Heart SF Bands – “…This is an edge of your seat band, and will receive my first ever New Britches Award, because after you see sea knight, you’ll need some new ones as your old ones will have been blown away.”
Full review –

The Bay Bridged — “Quietly captivating, subtly gripping, delicately engrossing … Listen closely and you can pick out traces of Sonic Youth angst and melodic sensibilities worthy of the Pixies. ripping chords, crashing cymbals and haunting vocal wails…
Full review –